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As the Futsal World Cup begins, FIFA’s promotional choices have sparked debate, highlighting tensions between futsal’s growing identity and the need for wider recognition in developing futsal nations.
As the Futsal World Cup kicks off tomorrow, on September 14th, the tournament has already been overshadowed by controversy. FIFA’s decision to feature global football icons Neymar, Xavi, Messi, and Cristiano Ronaldo in its promotional poster has sparked widespread criticism from the futsal community. Many argue that the poster overlooks futsal’s own stars, diminishing the sport’s unique identity and growth.
One of the critics has been Ricardinho, widely considered one of the greatest futsal players of all time. He expressed his frustration, accusing FIFA of undermining the hard-fought progress of futsal by overshadowing the sport’s own stars.
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While Ricardinho acknowledged that football players often benefit from futsal early in their careers, he strongly condemned the decision to make them the focal point of futsal’s biggest event.
“I understand that, as in the last World Cup, we want to show that these global stars have practiced OUR sport, and it helped them develop their technical skills, space awareness, and quick reaction capabilities, among other things, before their transition to 11-a-side football. What cannot be accepted or allowed is that, after so many years of battling for this sport, WE are not the ones being featured as the protagonists in the promotion of the biggest futsal event in the world!” Ricardinho said.
He continued, highlighting how this choice disrespects the years of effort put into building the futsal community, from players to coaches, and diminishes the hard work and dedication of those within the sport. For Ricardinho, the poster is a sign of futsal still being in football’s shadow, even as it pushes for recognition on its own terms.
However, while this perspective has resonated with many in established futsal nations, the situation is more nuanced in countries where futsal is still struggling to gain traction. In developing futsal nations, where the sport lacks a solid foundation or substantial support from football associations, some see FIFA’s use of football stars as a necessary strategy to ignite public interest. In these regions, futsal is often still viewed as a developmental tool for football, and leveraging the fame of football icons like Messi or Ronaldo could help bring attention to the sport where it has no deep roots.
In these areas, FIFA’s approach can be seen as a pragmatic way of creating a bridge between football and futsal. For many, football’s global stars represent an entry point for new fans and potential players. In this context, the use of familiar football figures is less about overshadowing futsal’s stars and more about creating a platform for the sport to grow. By showcasing the ties between football and futsal, some hope that this strategy will provide long-term benefits for futsal development.
Ultimately, this debate reflects the dual identity that futsal often grapples with. On the one hand, it’s a sport with its own growing community, unique stars, and a dedicated following. On the other hand, it has often been promoted as a complementary tool for football development, particularly in countries where it is not yet fully established.
It’s also important to recognize that FIFA, at its core, is a footballing organization, and this may influence its promotional choices. As a global body with deep roots in traditional football, FIFA’s priorities may lean toward strategies that align with football’s global appeal. This, however, does not sit well with those within futsal who believe the sport deserves more autonomy and recognition.
As the tournament unfolds, this controversy remains a crucial conversation point. While futsal’s stars like Ricardinho argue for more respect and visibility, those in developing futsal regions may appreciate the marketing boost from football icons. The question now is whether FIFA can find a balance between respecting futsal’s independence while still leveraging football’s global reach to grow the sport in new territories. Either way, this debate highlights the challenges futsal faces as it seeks to step out of football’s shadow and claim its own space on the global stage.
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