Strength and Speed ​​Profile of a Finnish Under-19 Futsal National Team Player

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This thesis examines the speed and power profile of a Finnish under-19 futsal national team player. The purpose of the study is to determine the performance of a young player in terms of strength, running speed and quick power output. The aim of the thesis was to create reference values ​​for physical performance that can be used in planning physical training. The goal was also to promote a training culture, share researched information with the global futsal community and inspire its members to produce similar studies in the future.

(Main picture source: Demidoff Marko)

The research questions included what the young player’s anthropometric profile is like and how much the young national team player squats, lifts from the ground in the deadlift and trap bar deadlift, and how much load the player can lift in the barbell hip lift. In terms of speed and rapid power generation, the research questions focus on how high a young national team player jumps vertically, how far he jumps in an unpaced long or one-legged lateral jump, and how fast he runs a distance of 20 meters. Research data was collected at the camps of the Finnish U19 national futsal team in 2021-2023. The theoretical framework emphasized the analysis of futsal, especially the physical demands of the game. The choice of tests was justified from the point of view of the essential movement directions of futsal and the muscle groups belonging to the musculature of the lower limbs. This thesis used a quantitative research method, presenting the test results numerically as means, ranges, medians, modes and standard deviations. In addition, the results were compared with existing elite-level adult players, if such research results were available.

Finland’s under-19 futsal national team player is relatively strong and fast compared to adult-level elite players. The research results presented in this thesis can be applied to the physical training of futsal players, to guide the selection of exercises, testing and goal setting.

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This masters thesis is by Demidoff Marko and his supervisors, Sami Kalaja and Eija Jumisko – Lapland University of Applied Sciences.

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