Magnus Futsal Documentary Premieres to Packed Cinema, Celebrating Historic Libertadores Victory

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Historic First for Futsal: Rodrigo Hardy’s Documentary Chronicles Magnus Futsal’s Libertadores Triumph on the Big Screen


Rodrigo Hardy is the star of the film, marking the first time in the history of the sport that futsal content has been presented in a cinema.

(Main picture: Picture of the document on the cinema screen – picture sources: mktesportivo)

Futsal legend Rodrigo Hardy, known as ‘o Capita’, has released a special documentary that reveals the behind-the-scenes journey of Magnus Futsal’s Copa Libertadores victory. The event marked the first time in the sport’s history that futsal content has been shown on a cinema screen. In collaboration with Cinépolis, 250 people filled the cinema’s main hall to watch the film’s premiere.

Magnus Futsal Documentary Premieres to Packed Cinema, Celebrating Historic Libertadores VictoryThis event is a milestone for the sport, with Magnus Futsal once again taking center stage as a trailblazer, this time highlighting the achievements of one of the greatest players in the history of futsal.

Today, Rodrigo is the most prominent figure in futsal and one of the leading voices in Brazilian sports. He understands the need to be more than just an athlete and recognizes the importance of being prepared to create content and communicate with his audience daily through social media, increasing engagement, and expanding the horizons of futsal in Brazil and worldwide.

At 40 years old, the player conceived the documentary and was responsible for hiring the production company Joga na Meiuca, led by the talented Eduardo Schemes (known as Dídi), to handle the editing and scripting, along with the image capture, which also involved Guilherme Mansueto and Pedro Trevisan, who work daily with Magnus Futsal.

“I am very grateful to be living this dream. This project is not just mine; it belongs to all of you who are part of this story, both on and off the court. We tried to bring a little piece of each of you to make this moment even more unforgettable, and now it stands as another historical milestone in our sport. It feels surreal to see our faces on the cinema screen, to see Magnus in the cinema, but here we are, making history once again. I am very happy,” said Capita during the event, alongside his children and his wife, Regina Chaguri, who is also a communicator and assisted in organizing the film and the event.

“Much of what happens and makes all of this possible comes from the vision of our president, Fellipe Drommond, who designed this project from the beginning with a marketing mindset. So, when we approached him with a crazy idea like this, he embraced it and encouraged us to make it happen,” added Rodrigo.

The brands Umbro and Fórmula Natural were major partners in making the production and event possible, which included participation from the entire Magnus Futsal team.

“This is incredible, we’re in the cinema—how amazing. Rodrigo is an inspiration to all of us, a great leader, and we always look up to him daily to continue upholding Magnus Futsal’s winning and innovative DNA,” concluded Charuto, a teammate and pivot.

Anyone interested in watching the documentary can view it on the Capita channel or at the Cinépolis cinema in the Iguatemi Esplanada Shopping Mall, in Sorocaba, São Paulo.

Watch Episode 1 of the Magnus Futsal Documentary

The first episode of the highly anticipated Magnus Futsal documentary, which premiered to a packed cinema, is now available on Rodrigo Capita’s YouTube channel. If you understand Portuguese, you can watch Episode 1 below and dive into the behind-the-scenes story of Magnus Futsal’s historic Copa Libertadores victory. Stay tuned for more episodes to come:

Organ Donation

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