Kevin Ramirez: A Milestone Journey as France Prepares for Futsal’s Biggest Stage

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Kevin Ramirez, captain of the French futsal team, celebrates his 100th cap by scoring in a pivotal win, shares insights from his international career, and discusses France’s ambitions and challenges as they prepare for their first-ever FIFA Futsal World Cup appearance.


Kevin Ramirez, the captain of the French futsal team, stands as a pivotal figure in the sport’s growth in France. With an impressive 18-year career spanning multiple continents, Ramirez has become a symbol of the sport’s advancement in his home country. Recently, he celebrated a significant milestone: his 100th cap for France, marked by a goal in a 3-1 victory over Uzbekistan. As France gears up for its debut in the FIFA Futsal World Cup in Uzbekistan, Ramirez talks to Futsal Focus, reflecting on his journey, the upcoming challenges, and his vision for the future of French futsal.

Reflecting on 100 Caps and the Uzbekistan Match:

FF: Kevin, congratulations on reaching 100 caps for France, highlighted by your goal in the match against Uzbekistan. How does it feel to have achieved this milestone, and what does it signify for you to have done so in such a crucial game?

KR: Thank you. I’m incredibly proud and honored to reach this milestone with such a talented national team that has been performing exceptionally well in recent years. Scoring during my 100th cap, especially at our historic training center, Clairefontaine, made it even more special.

Clairefontaine is a place that holds great significance for French football fans, and contributing with a goal there was a meaningful way to celebrate. The environment at Clairefontaine, being the best training center in the country and a place filled with history, inspired me greatly. Just being in the same castle as the French football team, and even staying in the room where Zidane once stayed, provided the best conditions to perform and train, pushing me to give my all on the pitch.

A Global Career in Futsal:

FF: Your career has taken you across various futsal cultures from France to Spain, Italy, England, and Saudi Arabia. How have these international experiences influenced your playing style and understanding of the game? And what did you learn from these difference experiences that helped improve you as a player and person?

KR: Over the years, I’ve played in numerous tournaments worldwide and learned from some of the best players, such as Falcao, Javi Rodriguez, Pula, and Gabriel. Experiencing different styles of futsal has taught me how to adapt quickly and read the game more effectively. Each country has its unique style, and understanding these differences has helped me become a more versatile player.

Playing with or against top talents like Arnaldo (Portugal captain), Javi Rodriguez, Marcelo, and Carlos Munoz taught me how to move, read the game, and, most importantly, be competitive. Every training session with them was intense, almost like a battle, which ingrained a winning mindset in me. Facing a legend like Falcao also had a profound impact, particularly off the court. While it’s impossible to replicate what Falcao does on the field, his humility and natural demeanor off the pitch taught me a lot about character and sportsmanship.

Qualifying for Uzbekistan 2024:

FF: France’s qualification for the FIFA Futsal World Cup is a historic achievement. You’ve mentioned being emotional about this accomplishment. What was your mindset during that moment, and how does this qualification impact you personally and the broader French futsal scene?

KR: When we finally qualified, my thoughts went to my family, all the coaches who’ve supported me, and the tough times we endured throughout my career. We had many close calls in the past, and this achievement felt like a reward for all the hard work and dedication. Hugging Coach Reynaud, who has been with us from the beginning, was particularly emotional. It felt like a culmination of everything we’ve put into the sport.

This qualification also represents a significant step for futsal in France, increasing visibility and support, much like what we experienced after Euro 2018. Since then, we’ve seen more media coverage and much greater visibility for futsal. A major French TV channel, L’Équipe, broadcasts our games live, and the French platform Futsalzone shows every game from the French league. The French Federation has also allocated 20 million euros to help futsal grow, with the president expressing a strong desire to elevate the sport further in the coming years.

Kevin Ramirez: A Milestone Journey as France Prepares for Futsal's Biggest Stage

Team of France during the friendly match between France and Uzbekistan at CNF Clairefontaine – Gymnase Michel Muffat-Joly on August 19, 2024 in Clairefontaine-en-Yvelines, France. (Photo by Hugo Pfeiffer/Icon Sport) – Photo by Icon Sport

Challenges Ahead in the World Cup:

FF: France faces a tough group in the World Cup with teams like Iran and Venezuela. How do you plan to tackle these challenges, and what do you believe will be France’s key strengths in these matches?

KR: We’re focusing on our first game against Guatemala, which is crucial for setting a positive tone for the tournament. Our approach to the World Cup is to remain humble yet confident, knowing that we have the talent to compete with any team. Preparing mentally and physically has been our primary focus, ensuring that we are ready to face a variety of opponents.

We believe in our strengths—our speed, skill, and teamwork—and are preparing step-by-step, taking one game at a time to maintain focus and composure throughout the competition. My personal goal for this World Cup is to help the team in any way I can, being fully prepared for whatever the coach and the team need from me. I aim to be at 100% and to show our amazing sport to the world, continuing our work to help futsal grow in France.

Balancing Professional and Personal Life:

FF: Having recently joined Sporting Paris to be closer to your family, how do you manage the demands of being a top-level athlete with your personal life?

KR: During my time in Saudi Arabia, being away from my family was one of the biggest challenges. Now that I’m with Sporting Paris, being closer to my family has significantly improved my focus and performance. Being with my wife and kids gives me a mental break and helps me stay grounded, which is essential for maintaining peak performance.

For me, having my family nearby provides the emotional support I need to perform at my best, both on and off the court. It’s much easier to disconnect from the pressures of the game when I’m at home with my family, and this balance is key to my performance.

Leadership and Team Spirit:

FF: As captain, how do you maintain team unity and focus, especially during intense international tournaments like the World Cup? What is your approach to leadership both on and off the court?

KR: Leadership, for me, is about being authentic and embracing the diversity within the team. Every player is different, and those differences are what make us stronger. It’s important to create an environment where each player feels valued and confident in their role. In a long tournament like the World Cup, it’s crucial to support each other and allow everyone to find their place within the group.

Our mix of experienced and young players creates a dynamic team spirit that keeps us united and motivated. The young players bring energy and fresh perspectives, which makes me feel younger and more enthusiastic about the game. The key is to lead naturally, to accept our differences, and to ensure that every player feels confident and supported.

Kevin Ramirez: A Milestone Journey as France Prepares for Futsal's Biggest Stage

Future Aspirations:

FF: With your playing career nearing its end and coaching qualifications already in hand, what are your plans after retirement? How do you intend to contribute to the growth of futsal in France?

KR: As I approach the end of my playing career, I’m already thinking about how I can continue contributing to futsal. I’ve dedicated my life to this sport, and I’m certain I will stay involved in some capacity, perhaps through coaching or mentoring.

I want to travel and learn from the best coaches to improve myself. After gaining more experience, I’d like to be ready to coach if the opportunity arises. Futsal has given me so much, and I want to give back by helping the next generation of players. I’m passionate about the game, and I believe I couldn’t live without being part of it in some way.

Memorable Moments and Opponents:

FF: Throughout your career, you’ve faced many top teams and players. Which match or opponent stands out most in your memory, and why?

KR: One of my most memorable moments was qualifying for the Euro after a crucial win against Croatia, where I scored a key goal. It felt like a major achievement after years of hard work and determination. Facing legendary players like Falcao was also unforgettable.

Competing against him twice in India allowed me to see the highest level of skill and technique in the game, which was both inspiring and educational for my development as a player. Although replicating Falcao’s moves on the pitch is nearly impossible, observing his humility and natural demeanor off the pitch taught me valuable lessons about character and sportsmanship.

Advice for Young Players:

FF: What advice would you offer to young players who aspire to follow in your footsteps and make a significant impact in futsal?

KR: My advice to young players is to enjoy playing the game and to believe in their dreams. With humility, hard work, and dedication, anything is possible. I wasn’t the best starting out, but I worked tirelessly to achieve my goals. Coming from a small town like Clermont-Ferrand in France and a small village in Spain, I never imagined becoming a professional player. But through perseverance and passion, I’ve managed to have a long career and still perform at a high level at 37.

Practicing specific skills like shooting, volleys, and using my weaker foot, along with maintaining physical fitness through gym training, were crucial practices that helped me reach my professional goals. Always give your best and play with passion.

Final Thoughts Before the World Cup:

FF: With the World Cup approaching, what message would you like to convey to your fans and teammates as you prepare to represent France on the global stage?

KR: My message to the team and the fans is to enjoy this journey together. We don’t know if we’ll ever have another chance to participate in a World Cup, so it’s important to stay focused and work hard, but also to cherish every moment. This experience will be a lifelong memory, and we want to make it a positive one. I’m confident it will be a wonderful journey for all of us. I believe we can inspire the French people and continue to showcase our incredible sport, further contributing to the growth of futsal in France.

Futsal and Proud campaign 

Many years ago (hence the resolution of the picture below), Kevin supported the Futsal Focus ‘Futsal and Proud campaign’ with this image. It was an act of kindness and support that we have never forgotten and will always be grateful for. Thank you, Kevin, for always supporting Futsal Focus.

Kevin Ramirez: A Milestone Journey as France Prepares for Futsal's Biggest Stage

Kevin Ramirez supporting the Futsal Focus Futsal and Proud campaign, many years ago!

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