Alireza Abbasi: Fasting and Professional Sports Are Not Incompatible

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How Athletes Can Maintain Performance and Well-Being While Observing Ramadan


Alireza Abbasi, an internationally recognized expert in football and futsal science, asserts that fasting does not conflict with professional or amateur sports. On the contrary, if managed correctly and systematically, fasting can help athletes reduce stress, enhance mental endurance, and build patience.

Alireza Abbasi Fasting and Professional Sports Are Not Incompatible

Alireza Abbasi

According to Abbasi, fasting does not negatively impact sports performance, provided that athletes follow a well-balanced nutritional plan. During Ramadan, athletes can maintain their training routines by ensuring they consume a diet rich in essential nutrients. This helps sustain energy levels and prevents drops in blood pressure and blood sugar.

The Impact of Fasting on Sports Performance

A common concern among athletes, particularly professional footballers and futsal players is whether fasting interferes with their performance and progress. Regular physical activity is widely recommended for both physical and mental well-being. When conducted properly, exercise during fasting can enhance relaxation, resilience, and overall athletic performance.

From a scientific standpoint, the ideal time for training or competition during Ramadan is approximately three hours after the morning call to prayer, as the body is more physiologically prepared. However, due to practical constraints, many futsal matches are scheduled after iftar (the evening meal that breaks the fast). A major challenge in this regard is that many futsal matches take place just 30 minutes after iftar, which can lead to digestive discomfort and reduced physical strength. To optimize performance and minimize health risks, it is advisable to start matches at least two hours after iftar to allow for proper digestion and energy absorption.

Training Adjustments During Ramadan

Athletes should modify their training intensity during Ramadan, as high-intensity workouts can lead to excessive sweating, salt depletion, dehydration, and physical fatigue. This is especially relevant for athletes engaged in speed-strength sports like futsal, where heat stress and fluid loss are significant concerns. Maintaining adequate hydration is essential to prevent heat-related tissue damage. Experts recommend drinking fluids intermittently between iftar and suhoor (the pre-dawn meal) to ensure optimal hydration throughout the fasting period.

Nutritional Considerations for Athletes

Carbohydrates play a crucial role in energy production, as they are stored in the liver and muscles as glycogen. There are two primary types of carbohydrates: slow-digesting carbohydrates, which provide a steady energy release, and fast-digesting carbohydrates, which rapidly increase energy levels. To sustain endurance and strength, athletes must ensure they consume sufficient carbohydrates and sugars during non-fasting hours.

Adequate nutritional intake is essential, especially during training sessions. Without proper dietary management, an athlete’s glycogen reserves may become depleted, potentially leading to fatigue and reduced performance. Given that the human brain relies primarily on glucose for energy, an insufficient intake of carbohydrates could lead to cognitive and physical impairments.

In conclusion, fasting and professional sports are not inherently contradictory. With proper planning, including adjusted training schedules, strategic hydration, and a balanced diet, athletes can successfully maintain their performance during Ramadan. By prioritizing their nutritional needs and allowing adequate digestion time before matches, athletes can optimize both their physical and mental well-being while observing the fast.

Listen to the Discussion

For those who want to dive deeper into this topic, we’ve created a podcast discussing Alireza Abbasi’s insights on fasting and professional sports. Listen in as we explore training strategies, and nutrition during Ramadan.

🎙️ Listen now on Futsal Focus YouTube:

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